Dec 27, 2010

pending books.. HELP!

pending books to read...

my pending books
Almost half of my money goes to my books.. yeah call me a bookworm or whatever you like, book freak or something but I totally love books... Each time we went to the mall with family, they already know where to find me when i got lost.. to the bookstore.. and if im not contented with the books, i will go on other branches that means, to the other malls... keke^^
And each time i bought some books, i love watching it in my bookshelves... i dunno why.. its just i love watching it..

Currently i am reading Blue Blood: Keys to the Repository by Melissa Dela Cruz... Its actually an encyclopedia of the series Blue Blood..totally love it...Well this coming Wed i think she will going to release a novella, Blue Blood: Bloody Valentine.. cant wait to have it...

I know this is not book related i just want to share that i already bought CHEER YOU UP shirt.. finally after searching for it like months... YEY! bought 2 shirts.. one for my bro..i want to buy it coz it is worn buy famous Korean artist includes one memebr of TVXQ and of course my girls, Girls' Generation... YEAH!

going to CHEER YOU UP!



  1. wow nice shirt ja! diin mo gin bakal? iloilo?

  2. nope sa rob...... buy one too.. cost P599 galing...
