Nov 23, 2011

my HP Fever!

Time to blog again.. ahead of time since my laptop is back on track…. Hehehehe… So for this blog for tonight its about my fandom… yes, another fandom again…. My HARRY POTTER fandom. Since HP movies just finished last July, I think its time to blog about my obsession for this thing… I remember back in 6th grade, all my classmates are obsess with it, and I have this jacket of mine that resembles the cloak of Harry… a lot of my friends borrowed it..hehehe, more great when my crush borrowed it sometime.. kk^^
this is my pop-up collage,HP inspired!
Ok, to start off I become a huge fan of HP back Summer 2003 I think… When I don’t have anything to do, and I saw the book of HP and the Goblet of Fire at my desk, that book belongs to my bro’s friend, so out of boredom I read the book, since im a bit familiar with it coz of the movie. Read it, and I got obsess with it.. the first book I finished and the first book I cried for several days… Its funny, I feel really bad after knowing some of the main character died in the book…never happened to me before.. from that on, I tell to myself that HP books are EPIC… then after that, I shared it to my cousin how HP inspired me as a reader. From then on, she bought  me the complete box set of HP,the first 4 books,the Canadian/Europe Edition--the diff is the cover~ i totally freaked out, then another year past, bought me the next book in surprise as xmas gift, along with the "shrieking journal" and the 2 small additional HP books,Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beast & Where to Find Them... i really enjoyed it all... and on my 18th birthday, the remaining cash she gave, i bought the final installment of the book... see, i told you how im obsess with HP... It all started during that boring summer... I never regret that day!



Oh, along those years of my obsession to HP, bought magazines, poster and even the soundtrack in tapes ( cds are not that famous at that time). I was a Potter freak back in my High School years, if u got to ask my friends, they will do agree... plus, u can see that on my yearbook... Somehow, Potter change my life... got interested in books (until now), and he's been my inspiration (Dan Racliffe)--did i tell you guys i wrote him a fanletter for 3 consecutive years, and then he never fails to send back letters to his fans, with autographed photo... how cool is that.. same goes to Emma Watson too... 

I will never stop being a fan of HP even the movie is now over. For me, HP will always be there, as JK Rowling said "Hogwarts will always welcome you" it will forever stand... ;)) 
oh, i totally forgot to say thank you to JK Rowling for bringing HP into our life, to my life... my teenage years was filled with magic! Thank you for creating the Potter world, your creativeness,the characters, the places and the spells.... ***hands down..

and oh as for the movies, thank you for the actors,producers and directors and all the staffs for making the world of Harry Potter worth living and worth remembering... Thank you guys!
ok, i just realized that im thanking a lot of people... famous and people who doesnt know me... but its ok.. i just want to appreciate all of them coz somehow they've been a part of my life as a Potter fan. Im just happy to share this fandom of mine... again Thank you!
to end this blog, a want to share a quote from JK Rowling that i love...
“We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.” 
― J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
goodnight bloggies!



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